
Hey. I’m Jim… 👋

Like many Mac users, I began my career on the platform as a design artist in the early ’90s. My love for Apple products began with a road-worn Mac SE/30. It was during those early years of working with Aldus PageMaker, Macromedia Freehand, and Adobe Photoshop that I learned the importance of keeping a computer system optimized.

This eventually led me to create Yasu (Yet another system utility) in 2002, which was a simple Mac OS X maintenance app. It became kind of popular through the 2000s. The popularity led to invitations to speak at user groups & conferences, and was featured in more than just a few Mac magazines. I turned the app over to another developer in 2017. Sadly, he didn’t do much with Yasu. Maybe I’ll get it back from him one day and bring it back to life somehow — but I kind of doubt it.

Today, I work as an IT Director for VIZIO, a well-known US based consumer TV brand, where I oversee their Salesforce initiatives. All thoughts and ideas expressed on this personal site are solely my own and do not reflect those of my employer whatsoever.

I am a certified Salesforce administrator, developer, and consultant, as well as a (formerly) certified Scrum Master. Other nerdy experience includes Microsoft SQL, MySQL, HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, and just enough Java to make me really dangerous to my peers. I still get decent results out of Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop when I have to.

I am blessed to have found and married an amazing woman. Without her, I would be completely lost. I have some great kids because of her too. In my free time, I enjoy dinking with code, spending time with the family, playing music, or exploring the outdoors on an Orange County hiking trail.

I love hearing from visitors, so if you want to ask a question, share a thought, or just chit-chat, connect with me on Mastodon, or shoot me an email.

If you made it this far, I’m really impressed.