
Yasu for Mac

My original macOS maintenance utility app from the early 2000’s, I’ve often toyed with the idea of picking up Yasu development again. It means a complete rewrite in a completely new (to me) language, but I’ve chosen to accept the challenge.

I hope to rerelease it by August 2025, if not sooner.

Cache Out X

Cache Out X will be the revival and rework of a project I took over from TriLateral Systems a long, long, long time ago that was a Yasu competitor, turning it into a browser cache maintenance tool. Kind of a “Yasu Lite” if you will.

More info as the project progresses.

Tinylytics for

A plugin to easily enable features from Vincent Ritter’s Tinylytics analytics platform without having to edit theme templates.

Tinylytics for WordPress

A WordPress plugin to easily enable features from Vincent Ritter’s Tinylytics analytics platform without having to edit theme templates.

A WordPress plugin for adding a simple dynamic copyright notice in the footer of a blog via shortcode.