@jimmitchell And the results where what I hoped for... The family raved about it and want me to pre-smoke the next time I do chicken.
@Gabz The iPad mini a nice device for sure. I love mine.
@manton Okay... Dang Safari and its aggressive caching. It's still hanging on to the redirect, but is working fine in other browsers. Sorry to bother you on a Sunday afternoon. Appreciate the support.
@manton It is still happening. This URL, which shows up on blog home page, continues to redirect to this 404 page. I've tried republishing a couple times too.
@manton I think I'm seeing something like this myself for a backdated post I'm trying to publish. URL starts with "micro.blog/pages/migration/redirect/...". I don't have any redirects for any of my posts that I can see.
@numericcitizen I'm having a hard time with this myself. I've added all my feeds and already feel overwhelmed -- and I don't follow that many really. Just like @canion, I don't think Reeder (or Tapestry) going to end up being for me. I'm too set in my ways of consuming content.
@vincent Agreed. The Apple of Steve had a whole different vibe than the Apple of Tim does now. I miss those days too.
@manton Thanks. This aligns with what I’ve seen. cc @moonmehta
@canion I relate to this statement...
@pratik Under the "Moving from a different account" area of your Mastodon account, you create an alias of your Micro.blog Fediverse username. Then in your Micro.blog account under "ActivityPub," clicking the "View Fediverse Details" button, you will have an option to "move away" where you can enter your Mastodon user name.
@moonmehta I should clarify this statement... Every time I've set up Micro.blog to Mastodon aliasing, I have seen users begin following on Mastodon. However, those who subsequently follow on Micro.blog may not (and probably don't) automatically start following.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 →
@pratik No. You continue to use your Mastodon username on your instance. Anyone who follows you from Micro.blog will become a follower on the Mastodon instance automatically.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 →
@vincent Totally get it. Though I'm a life-long Apple guy, I've often considered making the switch to Linux. If I did more web development, I probably would. Maybe when my MacBook Air gets too long in the tooth I will, so that's looking like five to seven years at least as well.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 →
@pratik I'd recommend aliasing your micro.blog Fediverse username to your Mastodon username. That way if anyone is following you on Micro.blog, they will be automatically moved. This is what I've done. Works a charm.
@vincent 💔
@vincent what browser did you move to?
@manton I’ve reported this in the past, but bubbling it up again… When trying to set an order in Recommendations, it never seems to “take” for me. The order always ends up way different than what I set via drag. This is in the web UI. Let me know if you need a video. Cc @help